"From Early Discovery to Translational Medicinal Chemistry"

XX National Meeting of the Spanish Society of Medicinal Chemistry (SEQT)
19-22 June 2022
Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Programme and book of abstract
now available

Important announcement
Dear Participant,
The Organizing Committee of the XX National Meeting of the Spanish Society of Medicinal Chemistry (SEQT), in consultation with the SEQT board, regret to announce that due to the exceptional circumstances facing all of us, it will no longer be possible to hold the Congress in January 2022 in Santiago.
Holding the congress in hybrid format (or virtually) has been considered but given the increasing number of contagions (the maximum peak of the wave in Galicia is expected at the end of January) and that a key part of the Congress is the interaction with colleagues from across Spain and Europe, it was felt that the best option was to postpone the congress until June 2022.
Whilst recognizing there is still uncertainty as to what the situation will be over the next 6 months, it expected the current situation evolve from a pandemic to an endemic situation, so the Board feels this gives us the best chance of successfully holding a Congress in this cycle.
Please note that this modification only affects the dates, so the general program, lectures as well as posters and (oral or flash) communications will, in principle, remain unchanged. We will contact you shortly to define details related to the new dates.
The organizing committee apologizes for the inconvenience and will make every effort to facilitate reimbursement for participants unable to attend the June meeting. We are in contact with most of the Hotels included in the platform to facilitate the modification of the bookings. If you need further assistance do not hesitate to contact us.
The organizing committee and the SEQT Board thank you in advance for your patience, comprehension, and collaboration.
Stay safe and hope that we can meet you soon in Compostela.
The Local Organizing Committee of the SEQT Meeting
Dear Colleagues,
The Spanish Society of Medicinal Chemistry (SEQT), member of the European Federation of Medicinal Chemistry (EFMC), is organizing its XX National Meeting “From Early Discovery to Translational Medicinal Chemistry” to be held on June 19-22 2022 in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to personally invite you to participate in the meeting, which will provide a forum for scientific discussions and a great opportunity to highlight the advances of our research.
The scientific program will include plenary and keynote lectures, oral communications, flash poster presentations and poster sessions, covering hot topics in drug discovery with a focus on translational medicinal chemistry.
The program will be complemented by a trade exhibition and an exciting social program.
On behalf of the organizing committee, Eddy Sotelo
15th MAY 2022
Abstract submissions for posters. -
Between 15th FEBRUARY and 15th MAY 2022
Early Registration
Main Topics
- Translational Medicinal Chemistry: Beyond Preliminary Optimization in Drug Discovery
- New Horizons in GPCR-Targeted Medicinal Chemistry
- Small Molecule Immunomodulators in Cancer
- Covalent Drugs & Allosteric Modulators
- Targeted Protein Degradation
- Expanding the Medicinal Chemistry Synthetic Toolbox
- Fluorescent-Based Tools and Screening Methods
- Target Binding Kinetics